Famous Religioud Saint Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus

NO.: AKHZM-1304

Size: Customized

Material: Bronze

Technology: ′Lost Wax′ Casting

Surface: Patina

Package: Wooden Batten box

Suitable: Garden, home decor




Take a look at our Saint Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus sculptures. Jesus was an infant in the arms of the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary took Jesus in her arms and looked ahead. Saint Anne stood behind Mary. She looked kindly at the mother and the virgin Mary and opened her hands as if defending the Virgin and Jesus. According to Christian Apocrypha and Islamic tradition, Saint Anne was the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus.

Mary’s mother is not named in the orthodox gospels. On paper, the names of Anne and her husband Joachim are derived only from the New Testament Apocrypha, in which the Gospel of James appears to be the first to mention them. Mary’s mother is mentioned but not named in the Koran. Although Anne received little attention in the Latin Church until the late 12th century, the earliest eastern Christian dedication to Anne occurred in the 6th century. In orthodox tradition, Anne and Joachim are known as the ancestors of God, and the birth of Mary and the dedication of Mary are regarded as two of the Twelve great Orthodox feasts. Anne’s Sabbath is also a small eastern Christian holiday. In Lutheran Protestantism, Martin Luther chose to enter religious life as an Augustinian friar after Shouting at St. Anne when threatened by lightning. This Saint Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus sculpture are popular with many people.

Anne is also revered in Islam as a highly spiritual woman and the mother of Mary. She is not named in the Quran, where she is referred to as “Wife of Imran”. The Koran describes her as childless until old age. One day, Hannah saw a bird sitting in the shade feeding its young, which awakened her desire to have children of her own. She prayed for a child and eventually got pregnant. Her husband Imran died before the baby was born. Expecting the child to be male, Hannah vows to dedicate him to the isolation and service of the Second Temple. Hannah, however, gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Mary. Her words in delivering Mary reflect her status as a great mystic, realizing that while she wanted a son, the daughter was a gift from God. Saint sculpture is one of the most popular religious sculptures of all time. Just like our Saint Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus sculptures.



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